Monday, 24 May 2021

No Kids Hungry Grants

 You many have heard that many students go go to school hungry and leave school hugrny. There have been articles and documentaries telling us about this issue for years. Though students can apply for free lunch at school, that is not enough to hold them over the day. Parents are struggling  to feed their children, and schools try their best to help, but it is just not enough. Thankfully, there are organizations such as: No Kid Hungry that help with this very issue. No Kid Hungry California has distributed over $10 million dollars in grants to feed children in California. The two most recent organizations that have received grants are Jabez Ministries and Sick ‘N Tired from San Bernardino. Jabez Ministries received $28,100, and Sick ‘N Tired received $10,000. You can help too! The No Kid Hungry organization is accepting donations on their website

“For information on how you/your  agency can get a grant to access funding for mental or behavioral health issues, visit us at M.H.M. & Associates Enterprises  at”. 

Luvina Beckley (CEO of MHM)

Monday, 17 May 2021

Representation of African Americans in Netflix Series and Films

 For years, African Americans have been talking about the underrepresentation of black people in films and series’, and how it is unfair. Well, have you noticed that Netflix has a whole category dedicated to black stories? That is because Netflix is showing plenty of representation for black people. A USC study has come out saying that 22.7 percent of Netflix films and series have a black lead/co-lead, 19.5 of these films/series had a black cast. Not only that, but Netflix is working with black creators to write these stories, so the number of black directors and writers for Netflix has increased as well. This is parallel to what is happening in the grant funding industry. Over the last nine (9) months, M.H.M. & Associates Enterprise  has tracked $400M being dedicated and directed to black led and owned businesses and non-profits via grants.  Hopefully with Netflix being one of the biggest media streaming companies, other companies will follow suit and the same would also be great if other grant funders followed suit as well.

Wednesday, 12 May 2021

Governor Newsom’s New Plan to Fight Homelessness

 There is a growing homeless population in California, and there is said to be a “homelessness crisis”. While only 7 percent of the California population is homeless, that makes up over 161,000 people. Los Angeles County has the highest homeless population, at  66,436 people and over 41 thousand of those people are in the city of Los Angeles. Governor Newsom of California is in the works of creating a 12 billion dollar “comeback plan” to help fight homelessness. The plan will provide 65,000 people with housing placements, more than 300,000 people with housing stability and create 46,000 new housing units. After we clear out some of the homeless  population, Newson wants the spaces where they once lived to be cleaned. “The Governor is proposing an additional $1.5 billion investment to clean public spaces near highways and transform public spaces through arts and cultural projects.”- Sierra Sun Times. Looking forward to seeing the progress California makes with this new plan!

“For information on how you/your  agency can get a grant to access funding for mental or behavioral health issues, visit us at M.H.M. & Associates Enterprises  at”. 

Luvina Beckley (CEO of MHM)

Tuesday, 4 May 2021

California Grants $10.5 Million Dollars Towards Recycling

 After years of denying the fact that global warming is real, Americans are now trying to figure out ways to stop it. We have learned that our greenhouse gas emissions (man-made chemicals) are what is causing the ozone layer to open. The ozone layer having a hole in it is the reason behind our planet warming. Thankfully, according to the World Meteorological Organization, in December 2020, the hole in the ozone closed. But how do we keep it closed? People are already taking action by using less plastic and recycling so that we can make less, driving eclectic cars, etc. Now, The California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle)  approved nearly $10.5 million in grants to California manufacturers on April 19th. The purpose of the grant is to boost recycling. Recycling is important because we can make less and less plastic, which means that less greenhouse gases will be released into our atmosphere.  Luvina Beckley CEO of MHM and Associates Enterprises says “I am happy to see people taking action in such an important cause.” Let's keep our planet healthy!

Monday, 3 May 2021

Small Businesses Are Now Able to Apply For up to $25,000 Dollars for Covid-19 Relief

 Since the beginning of the pandemic, the California government has been trying their best to help out California businesses.  It has been a hard year and a half for businesses, some were forced to close, and some are nearing the end.As of September 2020, over 19,000 California businesses were permanently closed. According to Yelp's local economic report. Millions of dollars have gone towards these businesses, and now business owners have yet another opportunity to receive funding from grants. Starting April 28th, business can apply to up to $25,000 dollars in grants for Covid-19 relief. This is a part of the $2.1 Billion from the state-funded COVID-19 relief package, signed by Gov. Newsom in February. Ms Beckley, CEO of MHM  Associates Enterprise says “ I am so glad to see our government stepping up and helping our citizens at this time. I hope it does not end here.”The application period ends on May 4th, so make sure you get yours in there on time!

“For information on how you/your  agency can get a grant to access funding for mental or behavioral health issues, visit us at M.H.M. & Associates Enterprises  at”. Luvina Beckley (CEO of MHM)

Wednesday, 21 April 2021

The Verdict is in...

 Yes on the Verdict!!!  Not done yet:  The three other officers facing charges in Floyd's death are expected to be tried together in August. Tou Thao, Thomas Lane and J. Alexander Kueng are all charged with aiding and abetting second-degree murder and aiding and abetting second-degree manslaughter

Tuesday, 20 April 2021

Partnership HealthPlan of California Funds Going towards Mental Health Organizations

 Everyone knows that medical costs are out of this world, and people have to pay an arm and a leg just to live a healthy life.  That is the heartbreaking truth of our country but great news for Lake County, CA! They just received funding to go towards mental health medical costs!  

Partnership HealthPlan of California has announced a new $36 million dollar grant going out in the state of California.These funds will be distributed to 30 different grantee organizations (of which $11M will be going to Lake County).The grant is to help those who suffer from behavioral health problems. 

According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, it is estimated that around 5.2 percent of adults in California suffer from mental/behavioral health issues, that is about 1.2 million californians.Those who will benefit from the grant include those in need of  basic behavioral health integration; maternal access to mental health and substance use treatment; medication management for co-occurring chronic medical and behavioral diagnosis, and more. 

“For information on how you/your  agency can get a grant to access funding for mental or behavioral health issues, visit us at M.H.M. & Associates Enterprises  at”. Luvina Beckley (CEO of MHM)

Monday, 19 April 2021

Governor Newsom Sings Plan for 536 Million to go Towards Wildfire Incidents

California is notorious for its wildfires. Around the summertime, California deserts catch fire daily.  According to the C.D.P, California had over 9,ooo wildfires, and those numbers are believed to double in 2021. These fires affect the people living near them, many lose their homes, and some lose their life. Governor Newsom is in the works of creating a plan that helps fund those affected by wildfires. The plan will have
 $536 million in grants distributed to programs and initiatives aimed at mitigating wildfires. 

As of last Thursday, Newson has signed this initiative and it is now  coming into action!

For information on how YOU can get a grant to support these efforts, visit

Monday, 5 April 2021

15 Million Dollars Going Toward Home and Community Based Services

 As of January 2014, the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services issued final regulations, or rules, for Home and Community-Based Services. The rules included the following: Outreach and information regarding the HCBS rules for individuals served and members of their support teams and Supporting individuals served on a more individualized basis to promote community integration and employment. With 2020/21 changing the world's state with a global pandemic, the federal center thought it would be best to add 15 million to the fund. 

Thursday, 1 April 2021

California Power Resiliency Grants

 To help Californian’s better prepare for natural disasters,Governor Gavin Newsom will be distributing 50 million dollars to local communities. This grant is through the  Community Power Resiliency grants through the California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services. CEO of MHM & Associates, Luvina Beckley says “A grant like this is essential.The year has been hard enough with the pandemic, no one wants a power outage to add on to the stress.”“Even amidst a global pandemic, we continue to prepare our state for the natural and man-made disasters that may lie ahead,” said Gov. Newson. “These grants are part of our continued commitment to make sure that no Californian is left behind when disasters strike.” The legislature has also approved Governor Newsoms 75 million dollar resiliency grants, which will be distributed as 39 million- Counties, 37.5 million- State Agencies, 23 million- Cities, 20 million- Special Districts, 4 million- Tribes.

Tuesday, 23 March 2021

Indigenous Californians Receiving $30 Million in Grants

 Last week, U.S. Senator Alex Padilla announced that Californians of native descent will receive 30 million dollars in grants for affordable housing.   This grant is a part of the Historic American Rescue Plan. Native Americans, as well as most people have had a hard time during this pandemic. Luvina Beckley, CEO of MHM & Associates states, “I am glad to see funds advancing inclusion and equity in housing. We often overlook those ways in which to directly reach those most in need.”

The funds for the grant will be dispersed between different Native reserves throughout California. Some of these reserves include: Graton Rancheria Federated Indians, Enterprise Rancheria of Maidu Indians, Coyote Valley Band of Pomo Indians, Yurok Tribe, San Pasqual Band of Diegueno Mission Indians.  Additional grants advancing inclusion and equity are highlighted by MHM & Associates in order to keep grant funders aware of a good way forward.

Thursday, 11 March 2021

Environmental Sustainability and Justice


Note: Biden/Harris Administration - Millions in Grant Funds Prioritizing Environmental Justice Grants! 

The National Resource Development Council for Inclusion and Equity (NRDC-IE) is seeking to engage and coordinate efforts with non-profit organizations in securing grants that are committed to advancing Environmental Justice!  Beckley - CEO of M.H.M. & Associates Enterprises , one of the most successful Black/Women owned Grant Writing Firms in the U.S., states ‘The best part about the Biden/Harris administration’s granting initiative is they have designated grant funding for small entities (with 10 employees or less). This immediately makes those that are often left out, competitive, regardless of the agency size’.  

NRDC-IE will be assisting hundreds of its members in pursuing millions in grants under its NRDC-IE E1:  Environmental Sustainability and Justice platform (as part of its e3p3 Initiative to engage Black and Women owned or led businesses in accessing grants).  The mission is to accelerate outcomes supporting effective partnerships, agencies or projects that address:

Climate resiliency; 

Disaster resiliency;

Water reuse innovation, infrastructure and technologies; 

Environmental Justice; and 

Land use and reuse. 

The next NRDC-IE coordinated Grant under E1: Environmental Sustainability and Justice will be submitted May 7th, 2021.  

To be a part of this collective effort and to receive grant funding to advance your project or mission, please RSVP to attend our next informational webinar on March 31st, 2021 at 10:00 PST at


Tuesday, 9 March 2021

Let’s End this Pandemic on a Good Note

 The office of Governor, Gavin Newsom has confirmed that Newson has now signed a legislative package that will provide relief to citizens of california during this pandemic.This package will provide relief to small businesses, It will provide more resources for critical child care,and it will provide fee waivers for those with heavily impacted licenses. Grants and federal fundings are important at this time due to the pandemic. Many people have lost their jobs, their homes and even their will to keep moving forward. It has been a hard time for a lot of people, especially Californians. We have the most cases here in California, sitting at 1.6 million cases. Needless to say, we need all the help we get. With help from our government, we can get things back to normal. It will not be immediate, but it will happen soon enough. Luvina Beckley, with Mhm and Associates have been helping business owners receive government funds for over 20 years. She has been even more motivated to do so during this pandemic. Beckley is a leader who will see your goals, and help you achieve them. It is great to see that during this time, many people have stepped up to be leaders and to help their fellow citizens in need. Soon enough, we will all be able to look back at these times, and remember the good that came out of it, rather than the bad. If we all just share a little bit of kindness and support our local businesses, we can end this pandemic off on a good note.

Thursday, 25 February 2021

The Importance of Teamwork in Pursuing Grants

 How many of you look forward to the opportunity to support others with your strengths?  According to the journal American Psychologist, It has been proven by science that working in teams is important when it comes to a company's success. Working in a team will always be more beneficial than working alone, so never see it as something that is dreadful.  I know some people do not feel comfortable working with others, or they just prefer not to, but it is essential. Someone that you work with may have an idea that you did not  think of or maybe they are more talented in a specific area. As John J. Murphy put it, “Each individual has unique gifts and talents.” When you work as a team of individuals, with each having their unique talents, you will grow as an individual as well.  In addition, you will learn new things about yourself, and you will become more aware of your strengths and weaknesses. When you have weakness, don’t fret, because your team ( a good team that is) will support you by covering for our weaknesses. You will not be the only one with weaknesses. In addition, you will get the opportunity to support others as well with your strengths. 

Friday, 19 February 2021

How we can Actually Help Small Businesses

 With the past year keeping everyone from spreading the coronavirus, a lot of businesses had to shut down while everyone was saying “support small businesses”, Yesterday. The Governor of California, Gavin Newsom announced that there will be a $9.6-billion economic recovery package. 2.1 billion dollars will go to grants for small businesses. This is great news! New grants being written and funded to ‘for-profit’ entities.  Allowing quite a few businesses to remain open or reopen. However, that will not be enough? For profit businesses getting grants seems like it's new but it's not. Companies such as Wells Fargo, Chrysler, and Alliance Financial Corp have received government funding  and each of them have been included as part of public, private partnerships.  So how can we keep this going. Maybe just maybe, for profit businesses can keep things going being a part of Public, Private Partnerships that support their sustained capacity to keep receiving grants!  Worth the thought! 

Wednesday, 10 February 2021

MHM is Here to Help Entrepreneurs in Need

     “Even as we choose to elevate Afro Americans, minorities  and women with grants,  as Americans,

we should all come together to help each other out, and yes that includes Immigrants… as we are we

are all American.” (Luvina Beckley, CEO of MHM and Associates Enterprise).

Last June, the California legislature passed assembly bill 82 (this was a SEED Initiative). This bill is in favor of helping immigrants of all backgrounds no matter their immigration status. With this bill there, will be a decrease in unemployment of immigrants and there will be an increase in “economic diversity”. Not only that, but the State of California’s Employment Training Panel (ETP)will be administering $9,650,000 under their  SEED Initiative. 

So we need to do the same!   We are committing to seek grants  and support Afro American and immigrant entrepreneurs in making sure that our fellow entrepreneurs are given the opportunity to move their businesses forward and live a life of comfort, as I am sure we would all like to do.   So, as MHM makes it a mission to support social inclusion and help grow small businesses throughout California with grants, we would like to acknowledge our shift of inclusion of immigrants!  With support for  entrepreneurship and small businesses growth , it will be easier for Americans to live the life that they sought after and they will be able to live comfortably and happily, as we all should. That being said, SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL VENDORS AND SMALL BUSINESSES!!!

Monday, 25 January 2021

 History in the Making 

You may write this down in history: What happened when Small Black and Minority, Women Owned Businesses contributing to the 44% of the U.S. economic activity, tottered on the verge of bankruptcy and closure amid Covid-19 and bitter twisted lies? They bowed their heads and lowered their eyes, and then peeked to see if anyone was wise…enough to know of the secret gold mines of their own backyards that led to the wealth building of Black and Minority Women beyond historical regards. What a wondrously clear daybreak!