Several things become crystal clear when you look more closely into the background of Luvina Beckley, who founded grant-writing form M.H.M and Associates and also serves as the firm’s CEO. However, the most important trait she possesses is her tendency to refuse to back away from any challenge. There are reasons for this, of course; Luvina Beckley has always held a competitive streak, which stemmed in part from her time as a prominent college basketball player, who starred on a team that won a Division III national championship more than three decades ago. That competitive edge gives her a bit of an advantage over many others in her profession.
The primary specialty claimed by Luvina Beckley and her firm, MHM and Associates, is usually based on her ability to identify, apply for and acquire ability funding for projects that serve to make life better for people in a community. Luvina’s job is to help agencies and other organizations get grants and investments for projects in the fields of criminal justice, health and human services, economic development and even the arts and culture.